This is Water

This video is based on a talk by David Foster Wallace, in which he talks about human nature and our natural selfishness.  He explains how we are always worried about what we are doing and needing rather than what others might be in need of.  He then challenges us to give everyone the benefit of the doubt in every situation, whether that be driving in the car, or even standing in a grocery store line.

While watching this video I came to believe that if I try to live the principles of unselfishness taught in the video, that I can become happier and more positive about life.  I have four younger siblings whom I am often asked to babysit; when I really try to worry about what they want and need, instead of worrying about what is most convenient for me, my relationship with them grows stronger.  It is impossible to serve someone without love, as we love those we serve. .  This principle can be applied to our relationships with others.  If there is someone that we have a difficult time getting along with, whether that be a family member, a classmate, or even a teacher, the best way to learn to love them is to serve them.  Sometimes the greatest service is the simplest.  For example, often times a simple smile can lighten someone’s day.  It is my hope that in this season of love and sacrifice, we remember what is most important; our relationships with others and the time spent together.

– Gabby Johnson

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